
Parses config data & loads config files for DalekJS tests.

This module is a driver plugin for DalekJS. It connects Daleks testsuite with the remote testing environment of Sauce Labs.

The driver can be installed with the following command:

 $ npm install dalek-driver-sauce --save-dev

You can use the driver by adding a config option to the your Dalekfile

 "driver": ["sauce"]

Or you can tell Dalek that it should run your tests via sauces service via the command line:

 $ dalek mytest.js -d sauce

In order to run your tests within the Sauce Labs infrastructure, you must add your sauce username & key to your dalek configuration. Those two parameters must be set in order to get this driver up & running. You can specifiy them within your Dalekfile like so:

 "driver.sauce": {
   "user": "dalekjs",
   "key": "aaaaaa-1234-567a-1abc-1br6d9f68689"

It is also possible to specify a set of other extra saucy parameters like name & tags:

 "driver.sauce": {
   "user": "dalekjs",
   "key": "aaaaaa-1234-567a-1abc-1br6d9f68689",
   "name": "Guineapig",
   "tags": ["dalek", "testproject"]

If you would like to have a more control over the browser/OS combinations that are available, you are able to configure you custom combinations:

 "browsers": [{
   "chrome": {
     "platform": "OS X 10.6",
     "actAs": "chrome",
     "version": 27
   "chromeWin": {
     "platform": "Windows 7",
     "actAs": "chrome",
     "version": 27
   "chromeLinux": {
     "platform": "Linux",
     "actAs": "chrome",
     "version": 26

You can then call your custom browsers like so:

 $ dalek mytest.js -d sauce -b chrome,chromeWin,chromeLinux

or you can define them in your Dalekfile:

 "browser": ["chrome", "chromeWin", "chromeLinux"]

A list of all available browser/OS combinations, can be found here.