
The jUnit reporter can produce a jUnit compatible file with the results of your testrun, this reporter enables you to use daleks testresults within a CI environment like Jenkins.

The reporter can be installed with the following command:

 $ npm install dalek-reporter-junit --save-dev

The file will follow the jUnit XML format:

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <resource name="DalekJSTest">
     <testsuite start="1375125067" name="Click - DalekJS guinea pig [Phantomjs]" end="1375125067" totalTests="1">
         <testcase start="1375125067" name="Can click a select option (OK, jQuery style, no message)" end="1375125067" result="pass">
             <variation start="1375125067" name="val" end="1375125067">
                 <description>&lt;![CDATA[David is the favourite]]&gt;</description>
             <variation start="1375125067" name="val" end="1375125067">
                 <description>&lt;![CDATA[Matt is now my favourite, bow ties are cool]]&gt;</description>

By default the file will be written to report/dalek.xml, you can change this by adding a config option to the your Dalekfile

 "junit-reporter": {
   "dest": "your/folder/your_file.xml"

If you would like to use the reporter (in addition to the std. console reporter), you can start dalek with a special command line argument

 $ dalek your_test.js -r console,junit

or you can add it to your Dalekfile

 "reporter": ["console", "junit"]