The JSON reporter can produce a file with the results of your testrun.

The reporter can be installed with the following command: $ npm install dalek-reporter-json --save-dev

The file will follow the following format. This is a first draft and will definitly change in future versions.

   "tests": [
           "id": "test806",
           "name": "Can get !url (OK, TDD style, message, chained)",
           "browser": "Chrome",
           "status": true,
           "passedAssertions": 1,
           "failedAssertions": 0,
           "actions": [
                   "value": "http://localhost:5000/index.html",
                   "type": "open",
                   "uuid": "6ea84fc0-58bf-4e1f-bb9c-f035c6e6fae2",
                   "kind": "action",
                   "isAction": true
                   "success": true,
                   "expected": "http://localhost:5000/guinea.html",
                   "value": "http://localhost:5000/index.html",
                   "message": "Url is not whatever",
                   "type": "url",
                   "kind": "assertion",
                   "isAssertion": true
   "elapsedTime": {
       "minutes": 1,
       "seconds": 43.328535046
   "status": true,
   "assertions": 1,
   "assertionsFailed": 0,
   "assertionsPassed": 1

By default the file will be written to report/dalek.json, you can change this by adding a config option to the your Dalekfile

 "json-reporter": {
   "dest": "your/folder/your_file.json"