API Docs for: 0.0.11

DalekJS Module

Defined in: index.js:36

This module is a browser plugin for DalekJS. It provides all a WebDriverServer & browser launcher for Google Chrome.

The browser plugin can be installed with the following command:

$ npm install dalek-browser-chrome --save-dev

You can use the browser plugin by adding a config option to the your Dalekfile

"browser": ["chrome"]

Or you can tell Dalek that it should test in this browser via the command line:

$ dalek mytest.js -b chrome

The Webdriver Server tries to open Port 9002 by default, if this port is blocked, it tries to use a port between 9003 & 9092 You can specifiy a different port from within your Dalekfile like so:

"browsers": [{
  "chrome": {
    "port": 5555 

It is also possible to specify a range of ports:

"browsers": [{
  "chrome": {
    "portRange": [6100, 6120] 

If you would like to test Chrome Canary oder Chromium releases, you can simply apply a snd. argument, which defines the browser type:

$ dalek mytest.js -b chrome:canary

for canary, and if you would like to use chromium, just append :chromium:

$ dalek mytest.js -b chrome:chromium

This will only work if you installed your browser in the default locations, if the browsers binary is located in a non default location, you are able to specify its location in your Dalekfile:

"browsers": [{
  "chrome": {
    "binary": "/Applications/Custom Located Chrome.app/MacOS/Contents/Chrome" 

This also works for the canary & chromium builds

"browsers": [{
  "chrome": {
    "binary": "/Applications/Custom Located Chrome.app/MacOS/Contents/Chrome" 

This module provides the following classes: